Friday, January 16, 2009

Changing Gears

For the past several months, the T.R.O.Y. Movement has been operating at a breakneck pace, updating three times per day nearly every day. This has gained us some acclaim and some notoriety, but frankly it's become a bit too much for anyone to handle. Our readers can't keep up with the downloads and our writers feel frustrated if their efforts get lost in the mix. Shit, even I'm nearly seven weeks behind on skimming our uploads. Insanity.

Our solution is a new schedule. Two posts per day. A "headline" post in the morning (think larger scale content, big uploads, reviews, analysis, etc) and a secondary evening post of more digestible fare (you can peruse it while you wait for the morning's download to finish).

Now don't be cynical and assume for even a second that this change of pace will result in a decline of quality. We've got plenty in store for you. In addition to covering the uploads, crate digging,a nd discoveries that occur in our forum, we'll be delivering more in-depth analyses, interviews, and reviews. Expect a buyer's guide for resissued albums, as well as relevant book and movie reviews. We'll be making a more concerted effort to integrate analysis with uploads, and to incorporate coverage of recent music where applicable, without sacrificing our throwback angle. Expect more exclusive compilation series, including more editions of our Sounds Like The 90s series.

It'll all be more digestible now. Rejoice. Contemplate. Stop and smell the flowers. Download that compe from twelve weeks ago that you missed. The world is yours.

We're also interested in reader submitted content. If you have something you'd like to contribute, email me at and we can discuss how that can happen.

In the meantime, I'll leave you readers with a few gifts, for being so supportive, some gratuitous uploads for old time's sake:

-- Thun


  1. TROY is the top dog of the hip-hop spotblogs. No need to stress yourselves out over volume; leave that to the mixtape rappers. Y'all got this blog game locked.

  2. Yes sir! I have to give everyone at T.R.O.Y. mad props for the amazing amount of work put into the blog. I certainly would never complain about the quantity, but there were times when I skipped downloading a certain compilation just because I didn't have the time to properly go through the songs, to appreciate the work the writer put into the text and song selection. I usually go back and download it when I do have the time, but I'm sure there's some I missed...and I feel like that's giving the writer's disrespect. I would much rather have less posts which I can focus on more, especially since the quality of the posts are through the roof as it is. Thank you for making this blog...I definitely look forward to peeping the new content every day.

  3. Definitely a good idea!

    One of your faithful (but at times very slow to catch up) readers.

    -DJ Bozo

  4. Big ups to the T.R.O.Y. staff for blessing us on a daily basis with that heat, keep doin' ya thing folks!!!!

  5. I think ya'll should try harder and become a legit blog, contributing to hip-hop, not syphoning from it.

  6. "I think ya'll should try harder and become a legit blog, contributing to hip-hop, not syphoning from it."

    A lesser man might mock you for spelling "siphoning" incorrectly BUTT EYE SHORE WOOD KNOT.

    In any event, I think we've made plenty of positive contributions to the culture and that many artists and fans can attest to to this. I'll let our record speak for itself against your courageous anonymous comment. Care to wager which one is proven true in the end? -- Thun

  7. Definately suggesting books & movies is a good idea, i've stumbled upon maad insights in these next dvd's etc. plus anything related to hip hop in those forms are rarely promoted,founded on so def props for that. I enjoyed that thing you put out with artists that sound like other artists. That cracked me up, we need more..

  8. Damn "Anonymous", for rilla?? I can't even comprehend why someone would leave a comment like that! At least you had the fortitude to leave a name; oh wait... This is obviously someone who just comes here to download music and not delve into the text, and probably doesn't even look at posts without a download link. If he was, questioning T.R.O.Y.'s "contribution" to Hip-Hop would not even be a thought. Let me be the first to say, "Anonymous", you are not Hip-Hop. Normally I wouldn't even respond to a comment like that, but that shit pissed me off...LOL Thank you again T.R.O.Y.
